By Team IOS, Thursday, October 7, 2021

Last spring, while we were all in confinement and working from home, we decided to pool our effort and write down a series of scientific publications on what we are doing. Among other, a trilogy has been submitted to Minerals within a special issue on automated mineralogy. These three papers, plus a fourth on under preparation, deal with gold and platinum group minerals distribution in glacial sediments, with emphasis on process and fingerprint significance based on 87,000 grains recovered across the Canadian Shield.


And a new milestone just been achieved! Six months after their acceptation, and even before the special issue being officially released, a second paper, the one dealing with size and morphology of gold grains, reached more than 1000 downloads from MDPI website! It closely follows the paper about platinum group minerals with 1080 downloads, and is followed closely by the paper disclosing our ARTGold® process with 825 downloads.


Who can say this was not interesting stuff!


ARTGold® process:
Gold grain size and shape:
Platinum group minerals:

''There are those who follow the rules... and those who define them''

Diagram, extracted from Mineral editor website, of the download progression of the paper "Automated Gold Grain Counting. Part 2: What a Gold Grain Size and Shape can tell!", on October 07th 2021.

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