Laboratory Services

The IOS laboratory offers many services that integrate into mineral exploration:

Our laboratory is restricted to a rigorous quality control protocol during sample preparation and during geochemical analyses. The manufacturing of various reference materials is also right up our alley.

IOS meets the requirements of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for importing and handling foreign samples (licence and certification).


  • Hand-held XRF spectrometer
  • Fritsch laser particle sizer
  • Furnace
  • Mill, jaw crusher, ring mill
  • Rodmill or Bond's ball mill
  • Agate bowl pulveriser
  • Agate and porcelain morter
  • Scale, microbalance, nanobalance
  • Rotap and Reistch sieve
  • Hoods, wet chemistry laboratory
  • Oven and dryer
  • Polishing table
  • Collection of reference materials