By Team IOS, Thursday November 13, 2018


We will remember autumn 2018 as winter knocked at the door in October... while the soil sampling programs were far from completed! But... no problems, only solutions!


Common sense dictates that soil or till surveys are restricted to summer fieldwork. Not anymore! The job can easily be done in winter, especially for till sampling! As far as the territory is not too forested, winter conditions allow easy circulation of agile track-mounted vehicle, such as the KASKOO X-04, in almost any terrain such as tundra, swamps, burned-out or logged areas. Its lightweight (~1 psi) enables to circulate without leaving any footprint in slightly frozen muskegs, and its amphibious construction enables to safely cross frozen lakes. Equipped with a hydraulic backhoe, this becomes the ultimate dirt digging machine. Sampling can be conducted at comparable cost than helicopter-borne summer program, still providing better quality material. The excavator enables digging to a depth of 2 metres, which allows to avoid the ablation till and to reach the lodgment till more commonly. Winter shall not be considered as a hindrance, it is a facilitator!


Furthermore, winter sampling enables the shipping of the samples to the laboratory off-season, reducing turnaround time. Sample processing by ARTPhot technology, which allows automated counting of gold grains with a very short processing time, results from the November sampling programs have already been delivered to clients. Be ahead of the competition, and get the surveys done before everyone else!


'There are those who follow the rules... and those who define them!''



Till sampling in winter, using a back-hoe mounted on the KASKOO Kaskoo all-terrain vehicle.


Sampling site reaching the lLodgment till sampling site, at a depth of 2 metres. Sampling footprint is as seen on the picture, only slightly larger than hole dug by hands.

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