By Team IOS, Friday October 26, 2018

It is not because we doubled our business in the last year...

It is not because we were granted our largest mandate in history...

It is not because we maintained client' satisfaction to the highest level despite the increasing operational complexity of the industry...


It is because we are there since a quarter century as a landmark of Québec' mineral exploration industry, and are busy preparing the next quarter century! Subtly, we changed the industry's practices in our part of the country. And we are currently working on the incoming numerical revolution that will turn the industry upside down in coming years. Since our 2016 strategic planning, we diligently executed our business plan towards becoming a world leader in some high-tech specialties, tapping into of our broad conventional services. Bold objectives were setup and reached, built on unorthodox although gratifying business model, toward which every single resources has been dedicated. And we are there now, at a global doorstep!


For such, for the third time, IOS Services Géoscientifiques Inc. has been awarded the "Service business of the year" award, unanimously, by the Québec Mining Exploration Association. Consequently, to our faithful clients, our providers, our competitors and to everybody who roams the mineral industry, we say Three Times Thank you!


From left to right: Mikael Block, project geologist, François-Alexis Provost, logistic manager, Clément Dombrowski, senior geologist, Mario Joly, geologist and Val-d'Or office manager, Alexandre Néron, R&D coordinator, Marie-Odile Chartier, geologist in training, Réjean Girard, president, Frank Mariage, AEMQ president and Denys Vermette, mining environment geologist.



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