Social Responsability
We think globally and act locally...right now.
We respect E3plus from PDAC.
- "Green Drilling" program
- Improving the energy efficiency of temporary camps
- Optimising land mobility to reduce helicopter support
- Converting of our buildings to geothermal energy
- Eliminating the use of toxic organohalogens from the heavy mineral separation protocol
- Accreditation from Canadian Food Inspection Agency for the management of regulated foreign soils
- Training of employees with regard of oil spill management and forest management standards
- Development of the profesionnal master program in mineral exploration at UQAC
- Training of staff in risk management (first aid in remote areas, WHMIS, hazardous materials transportation, etc.)
- Work and family life reconciliation program
- Native workers and subcontractors hiring program for projects affecting First Nations communities
- Pay equity charter
- Accredited by the Office québécois de la langue française
- Policy on paying tuition fees for university students (more than 80 students up to now)
- Financial contribution to higher education
- Deferred profit sharing plan for our employees
- Local purchasing policy for worksite in the regions
- Bâtisseur émérite of the Fondation de l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)