Electron microscope

The big science of tiny things!
IOS has recently acquired a Zeiss scanning electron microscope (SEM) combining the analytical abilities of a QEMSCAN, an MLA and a microprobe. This high performance device has a host of applications that could complement your project by providing answers that no other micro-analytical technique can offer!
At the cutting edge of technology, it can carry out fast and accurate chemical analyses on every type of dry samples (mineral fragments, thin sections, drill core, soils, etc.) metallic or not, delicate or polished. Our laboratory will take care of sample preparation: mounting the grain or rocks in epoxy discs, making thin sections and the use of double-sided tape.
The range of specialised software for applied mineralogy creates chemical maps covering the entire surface of the sample for each element from beryllium to uranium as well as the mineral classification or texture description. The SEM also carries out imaging with a resolution of a few nanometres.


  • Metallurgy and geometallurgy
  • Heavy minerals
  • Petrography and phase identification
  • Calculation of alluvial deposit grades
  • Materials Science
  • Forensic analysis (gunshot residues, etc.)
  • Environmental characterisation
  • Imaging of any kind (cathodoluminescence)
  • Research and development
  • And many, many more…


  • Zeiss EVO-MA15 HD 2013

    • High resolution (1.7 nm)
    • Variable pressure (for non-metalized or fragile samples)
    • 2 secondary electron detectors (topography)
    • Multiple segments backscatter electron detector
    • LaB6 filament (high brightness and high stability)
    • Automation softwares
  • EDS-SDD spectrometer

    • Oxford Instruments X-Max 150 mm2
    • Silicon Drift Detector technology (without liquid nitrogen)
    • Detection limits similar to the electron microprobe, but much faster (over 200 000 counts per second)
    • Detects all chemical elements with the exception of H, He and Li
    • Very good mesurement of light elements
    • INCA-Feature, Aztec-Feature, Aztec-Large area mapping
  • Computer dedicated to post processing

  • Emitech sputter coater
